Språkförskolan – The language preschool with 6 units
At Språkförskolan we want to help the children to develop into independent people with a good self-image, who can and dare to communicate with their fellow humans in a meaningful way.
We also want to create a solid basis for learning how to read and write, since research shows that a conscious linguistic stimulation during preschool-years helps prevent developing reading and writing difficulties later in school. The children also engage in mathematics and natural science in a playful way.
Every morning the children take part in a class with the different profile languages English, French, Spanish and German, where they get in touch with the different languages and the culture in the target countries. The youngest children, ages 1-2 years, have Swedish class. Introducing new languages during preschool ages has shown positive effects on cognition and linguistic awareness. This also affects the self-confidence and the self-image in a positive way.
We think that it’s important to practice all kinds of communication and to raise your self-esteem. We focus a lot on different learning and communication methods. The whole brain is stimulated, which leads to a funnier and more efficient way of learning.
Staff and children
We have a high staff-to-child ratio, no more than 5-6 children per teacher, and we work in small groups part of the day in order to pay attention to every child and help them to develop according to their own ability.
Arts and crafts
We believe in the creative child who explores his/her surroundings using all their senses and their body as a tool. Every afternoon is spent with creative activities. We work with different themes, using both images, music, dance, drama and movement.
The 5-year–old children have “mini school” four times a week where they work with mathematics, natural science, letters, reading/writing and physical education in a playful way.
We also play outside every day.
Thematic work
We work thematically in our language classes as well as in arts and crafts. By doing so, the children obtain a sense of context and meaningfulness. Each semester ends with a celebration, where the children perform a theater that incorporates different languages and means of expression.
Our own kitchen
We believe that nutritional and tasty food creates healthy and happy children who have the energy to last a whole day at preschool. All food is cooked in the school’s kitchen which gives us the opportunity to control origin and we choose to prioritize local and organic food.
New premises
In August 2016 the preschool moved to new, specially built, premises at Skärvstensgatan 8. There are 6 units in total.